The history of Mountain Spring Baptist Church is a story of faith. With bodies still bearing the scars of slavery, a band of progressive, independent-minded blacks with unrelenting faith in God, led by Brother Bedney Benson, moved in one accord to establish a church where they could worship God under their own “vine and fig-tree.” In this endeavor they even had the blessings and cooperation of their ex-slave masters. This was around 1870 and they named this
newfound church, Mountain Spring Baptist Church.
The church started as a Sunday School and Reverend William Anderson served as the first pastor. After a series of business meetings, with Brothers Bedney Benson, Adam Guyton, and Franklin Harper as Trustees, land was purchased from Mr. D. L. Bowens on February 24, 1872, for $20.00. The first church was constructed on this site. This young congregation experienced rapid growth, and larger facilities were needed. This was about 1905 or 1906. The pastor and congregation began planning and working and a parcel of land was purchased from Mr. W. C. Welborn for $394.50. Brothers Alfred Hammond, H. R. Asbury, and J. H. Hill were the Trustees during this transaction.
Following the pastorate of Reverend William Anderson, Reverend A. Walker was called. Reverend Walker accepted a call to a larger work around 1902. His resignation was accepted with much respect. In 1903, the Reverend H. C. Anderson was called as the pastor of Mountain Spring. It was during his pastorate that the Church experienced great success and continued growth. This was during the horse and buggy era. People walked, rode horse-back, drove horse and buggies, but they came in large numbers and the services were a spiritual blessing to everyone who attended. Then came the T-model Ford and the crowds grew larger. It was not long before a larger building was needed to accommodate the worshippers. It was later that the congregation decided that because of continued growth in membership, we needed to meet twice a month. The third Saturday and Sunday became our regular meeting day and Conference. The First Sunday became the extra day. Later the First Sunday became a regular day as well.
The interests of membership became varied, and greatly inspired. Heavy emphasis was placed on the educational as well as the spiritual advancement of our youth. Many of our young people were inspired, encouraged, and supported to further their education and many became teachers, ministers, medical doctors, and other professionals.
In the early 1930s, Reverend H.C. Anderson’s health began to decline, and he thought it best to offer his resignation. The congregation accepted his resignation with much regret and sincere appreciation. After the resignation of Reverend H.C Anderson in 1933, the call was extended to Reverend H.R. Asbury to become the “Moses” of our flock. He accepted and served as an outstanding faithful and Christian pastor until God saw fit in His wise providence to call him from labor to reward in 1946. Reverend Asbury, a member born and raised in Mountain Spring, served as Trustee, Superintendent, Church Clerk, and Deacon prior to accepting the call of Pastor. His death was a shocking experience for everyone.
Following the death of Reverend Asbury, Reverend E.L. Sitton accepted the call to serve as our Pastor. In 1952 our Church was burned to the ground. For the next two years our services were held in the Mountain Spring Elementary School which is now the Abattoir. However, with God’s help and the cooperative spirit of the members and friends, “because the people had a mind to work,” even donating timber to be planed into the lumber used in the new church. In March of 1954, we were able to dedicate to the Glory of God our new edifice, complete with educational facilities. As a public-school educator, Reverend Sitton continued motivating the youth to prepare themselves by going to college and investing in themselves.
Reverend Sitton who was our pastor during the construction of the new Church rendered commendable service until early in 1960 when he began thinking of making a change. He decided to leave and notified the Church of his intentions effective September 1960. This resignation was accepted. Once again, we found ourselves in search of a new Shepherd. In November of 1960, we assembled in our regular Church Conference and voted to call the Dr. M. P. Robertson to be our new leader. Dr. Robertson accepted our call and took charge of our pulpit on the First Sunday in January 1961. As a School Principal, he placed emphasis on the educational and spiritual development of the members. Under his leadership, an educational wing equipped with classrooms was constructed. In 1969, Dr. Robertson resigned which was accepted with regret.
For a short period of time, a young High School Instructor, Reverend Sylvester Nabritt was called to pastor in 1970. After the shocking death of his daughter, He sent Reverend Robert Turner to preach in his place, which the church accepted. Reverend Turner was a young, single, college instructor, with a deep love for seniors, young people, and music. Under his leadership, the Mountain Spring Gospel Expressors were born. The church was usually packed every Sunday morning with chairs down the aisle. He baptized a record 16 candidates for one service. “Trust God and stay in school” was his motto. Mountain Spring Baptist Church housed the first Head Start Program in the Pendleton area for several years until it outgrew our facility and moved to Townville Elementary School. Reverend Turner served us for the next two years. His resignation was accepted in 1972.
Following Reverend Turner’s resignation, the call was extended to Dr. Joe Murray. Dr. Murray served our congregation from 1972 until 2008. Under Dr. Murray, worship services became full-time in 1988. Dr. Murray had a love for people and for singing. Many souls were led to Christ. In 1984, the sanctuary was rebuilt. During the rebuilding phase, additional restrooms were added. In addition, added elevated choir stands, new upholstery on the pews, and a paved parking lot. During this time, the Church also purchased three church vans, musical equipment, an electronic piano, and organ. Mountain Spring has always been a cornerstone of the community. The church family participated in Anderson County’s Adopt-a-Highway Clean-up Program, adopting two miles of Highway 178 from Five Forks Road to I-85. We were blessed to have a Summer School Program which provided childcare to our community for a few years. During Dr. Murray’s tenure, we were extremely blessed to have taken part in the naming of Mount Lebanon Elementary School which opened in August of 2007 and is located one mile from the church.
The name “Mount Lebanon” is derived from Mountain Spring and Lebanon Elementary Schools. Reverend Murray retired in March 2008 after 36 years of dedicated service and leadership.
Upon Dr. Murray’s retirement, an earlier son of the Church, Reverend George Blake accepted the call in 2009 and served for two years until March 2011. He was known for his Scripture references used while delivering Sunday sermons. Under his administration, he organized several ministries. He was an avid supporter of the Rocky River Residential Care Facility and sponsored the RRBA Car and Motorcycle Show, which raised funds to support the facility.
In April 2012, Reverend Wilfred S. Stocker became the pastor of Mountain Spring. Reverend Stocker was a visionary, a leader, lover of God, and teacher of His Word. He made an immediate impact on the church and the community. His spirit-filled messages were clearly from God. His teaching and his leadership helped to move Mountain Spring forward. Under his administration, we were blessed to host the first Praise in the Park event at the Anderson County Civic Center which was a tremendous success. Reverend Stocker pastored until January 2016.
In March 2017, Dr. James D. Noble accepted the call as the twelfth pastor of Mountain Spring. Under his leadership, we have added the Marriage Ministry, Men’s Ministry, and Small Group Bible Study, which continues to thrive in record numbers. Little did we know that in 2018 God would allow Mountain Spring Baptist Church Family to witness God’s Hand at work once again when Anderson Christian Fellowship Church along with Mr. Tom Stipe and his family began thinking of closing their church doors. God moved mightily and laid it on their hearts to donate the facility to our church family. This facility, located at 1109 Mountain Springs Road, Anderson, had served as the Mountain Spring Elementary School where many of our members attended. Dr. Noble abruptly resigned in July 2022.
In our glorious history, which spans across 15 decades, Mountain Spring has been served by twelve pastors. Mountain Spring’s greatest asset has always been her members both past and present, whose love and dedication, loyalty and sacrificial spirit have not been surpassed. Our ministry has changed hands twelve times, but our members remain steadfast and loyal.
Truly our history is a rich heritage. We have received a legacy that causes us to be justly proud and beam with pride. Mountain Spring was born out of faith, purpose, and a true dedication to the will of God. The story is unending, no history ever really ends, it just continues. “Tis by the faith of joys to come, we walk through deserts dark as night, till we arrive at heaven, our home. Truth is our guide, and faith is our light.”
Mountain Spring Baptist Church Campuses
4801 Liberty Hwy Anderson, SC 29621 | East Campus 1109 Mountain Springs Road, Anderson, SC 29621
Phone: (864) 261-6117
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